PHM-Exch> ECUADOR: Leaders of the world support the March for water and dignity.

Claudio Schuftan schuftan at
Thu Mar 15 06:03:05 PDT 2012

From: Erika Arteaga <erikarteaga at>

In Defense of Water, Life and Dignity of the Peoples  (Google translation)

In March 8th, Indigenous peoples, peasants, women, workers, students,
teachers and more popular sectors of Ecuador have begun a national
mobilization against the extractive policies, the criminalization of social
protest, and the defense of Water, Life and Dignity of the Peoples. ThisMarch
expresses many of the historical demands of the people of Ecuador (i.e. the
principles and rights of the Constitution of Montecristi,  the defense of
human rights and nature rights, the defense of labor rights of workers unfairly
dismissed, the protection of university autonomy, the rejection of the FTA
negotiations, open or disguised, with the European Union, as rejected at
the time the FTA with the U.S). and other unknown democratic achievements
by the government. The march will culminate in Quito on March 22th,
precisely the World Day for Water.
            Water is more important than gold, is one of the slogans of the
March. It is more important than gold, copper and uranium.
In Peru, Bolivia, Panama, and in Latin America, indigenous peoples, with
the support of peasants and popular sectors, have mobilized to oppose open
pit mining and all extractive activities that cause substantial damage to
surrounding villages and societies in general, for the benefit of
multinational corporations
            Unfortunately the government of President Correa insists on
such activities and, in fact, four days before the start of the Long March,
he signed a contract with the current mining Ecuador S. A. (ECSA) for the
operation of the Mirador project.
            Mining is not only affecting the lives of large sections of the
people but reinforces the dependence of our countries to the world market
and weakens any effort to promote South American integration  (the famous
"Dutch disease" that makes our countries into massive importers destroying
all self-development)
The CONAIE, through its leader Humberto Cholango, has been very emphatic in
stating that they have no alliance with the right or to the great mass
media. In the matter of  the newspaper El Universo, CONAIE has been
silent.  Although CONAIE disapproves the Government maneuvers and advocates
for  unrestricted freedom of expression,CONAIE can not favor media power,
global and national, which is a central pillar of the capitalist power in
association with the Pentagon, NATO and international organizations like
the IMF, that represent the global imperial domination. The indigenous
peoples of Ecuador and workers favor a profound democratization of
information and communication that transfers control to the media workers
and the people as a whole.
We, the people signing below, writers, artists, intellectuals express our
full support to the mobilization of indigenous peoples, Afro, women, youth
and workers of Ecuador and demand President Correa that instead of
repression and military and police control, encourages dialogue with the

Quito, March 9th, 2012

WRITING TO Erika Arteaga <erikarteaga at>


  Carlos Marichal, México
  Carlos Taibo, España
  Catalina Eibenschutz, UAM Xochimilco, México
  David Barkin, UAM Xochimilco, México
  Enrique Rivera Sierra, México
  Gilberto López y Rivas, Morelos, México
  Gloria Campos, México.
  Gustavo Castro, Chiapas, México
  Gustavo Esteva, México
  Ivette Lacaba, México
  Juan Carlos Ruiz, Guadalajara, México
  Juan Olmedo Daza, México
  Lázaro Bofill, Cuba
  Lázaro Hernández, Cuba
  Lorena Gil Barba, México
  Lucinda Ruiz Posada, México
  Mariflor Aguilar Rivero, México
  Marín Velázquez, México
  Mario Sosa, Guatemala
  Martha Rivera Sierra, México
  Miguel Ruiz, México
  Perla Ferreira, México
  Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar, Universidad de Puebla, México
  Ricardo Loewe / Plataforma México / Austria

  Alberto Acosta, Ecuador
  Alejandra Santillana, Ecuador
  Alejandro Aguirre, Ecuador
  Alejandro Moreano, Ecuador
  Alex Remache G., Ecuador
  Alex Zapatta, Ecuador
  Alexandra Almeida, Ecuador
  Alfredo Chum, Ecuador
  Álvaro Campuzano Arteta, Ecuador
  Amalia Ospina, Ecuador
  Amaranta Carvajal Campos, Ecuador
  Andrea Miniguano, Ecuador
  Andrés Vallejo Espinosa, Ecuador
  Antonio Gaybor, Ecuador
  Arturo Muyulema, Ecuador
  Aurora Donoso, Ecuador
  Benito Bonilla, Ecuador
  Bolívar Beltrán Ecuador
  Carlos Arias, Ecuador
  Carlos Castro Riera, Ecuador
  Carlos Figueroa, Ecuador
  Carlos Pérez, Ecuador
  Carlos Zorrilla, Intag Ecuador
  Catalina Álvarez, Ecuador
  Catherine Walsh, Ecuador
  Cecilia Chérrez, Ecuador
  Cecilia Villacís, Ecuador
  César Pilataxi, Ecuador
  Coca Ponce, Ecuador
  Daniela Oña, Ecuador
  David Alejandro Suárez, Ecuador
  David Reyes, Ecuador
  Delfa Mantilla Pacheco, Ecuador
  Diego Oña Almeida, Ecuador
  Edgar Isch López, Ecuador
  Eduardo Delgado, Ecuador
  Elizabeth Bravo, Ecuador
  Elizabeth Rivera, Ecuador
  Eloy Alfaro, Ecuador
  Elsie Monge, Ecuador
  Enith Flores Chamba, Ecuador
  Erika Arteaga Cruz, Ecuador
  Esperanza Martínez, Ecuador
  Esperanza Martínez, Ecuador
  Esteban Ayala, Ecuador
  Esthela Camacho, Ecuador
  Eva Peñafiel, Ecuador
  Fernanda Vallejo, Ecuador
  Fernando Cerón, Ecuador
  Fernando Muñoz Miño, Ecuador
  Fernando Villavicencio Valencia, Ecuador
  Fidel Viteri, Ecuador
  Floresmilo Simbaña, Ecuador
  Francisco Hidalgo, Ecuador
  Francisco Muñoz, Ecuador
  Gabriela Alemán, Ecuador
  Gabriela Bernal, Ecuador
  Gabriela Ruales, Ecuador
  Galo Cabezas Espinoza, Presidente Tierra y Vida, Ecuador
  Gardenia Chávez Núñez, Ecuador
  Gerard Coffey, Ecuador
  Gina Benavides Llerena, Ecuador
  Gloria Chicaiza, Ecuador
  Guillermo Gómez, Ecuador
  Gustavo Abad, Ecuador
  Gustavo Larrea, Ecuador
  Gustavo Olmedo León, Cotacachi, Ecuador
  Hugo Noboa, Ecuador
  Ileana Almeida, Ecuador
  Iván Carvajal, Ecuador
  Ivanova Nieto, Ecuador
  Ivonne Ramos, Ecuador
  Ivonne Yánez, Ecuador
  Javier Valencia, Ecuador
  Jenny Sánchez, Ecuador
  Jhoel Escudero, Ecuador
  Jorge Corral F., Ecuador
  José Ron, Ecuador
  Juan Cajas, Ecuador
  Juan Cuvi, Ecuador
  Julio César Trujillo V., Ecuador
  Julio Charro Morales, Ecuador
  Julio Enríquez, Ecuador
  Lenin Morales Pozo, Ecuador
  Lenin Oña, Ecuador
  Lina Cahuasquí, Ecuador
  Lisset Coba, Ecuador
  Lizardo Herrera, Ecuador
  Lorena Campo, Ecuador
  Lorena Salcedo Carrión-Loja
  Lucas Achig Subía, Cuenca, Ecuador
  Luis Ángel Saavedra, Ecuador
  Luis E. Maldonado Ruiz, Ecuador
  Luis Fernando Sarango, Ecuador
  Luis Herrera, Ecuador
  Luis López López, Ecuador
  Ma. Gabriela Vintimilla S., Ecuador
  Manuel Salgado, Ecuador
  Manuela Sánchez Noriega, Ecuador
  Marcela Moreno, Ecuador
  Marcelo Larrea, Ecuador
  Marco Antonio Torres, Ecuador
  Margarita Aguinaga, Ecuador
  María Aguinaga, Ecuador
  María Arboleda, Ecuador
  María Belem Del Toro, Ecuador
  María Belén Cevallos, Ecuador
  Maria Isabel Altamirano, Ecuador
  María José Breilh, Ecuador
  Mario Unda, Ecuador
  Mateo Martínez Abarca, Ecuador
  Michelle Báez, Ecuador
  Miguel López Torres, Ecuador
  Nadesha Montalvo, Ecuador
  Nadia Ribadeneira, Ecuador
  Napoleón Saltos, Ecuador
  Natalia Bonilla, Ecuador
  Natalia Landívar, Ecuador
  Natalia Sierra, Ecuador
  Nathalie Weemaels, Ecuador
  Pablo A. de la Vega M., Ecuador
  Pablo Duque, Ecuador
  Pablo Ospina Peralta, Ecuador
  Pablo Velasco Andrade, Ecuador
  Paco Moncayo, Ecuador
  Pamela Coloma, Ecuador
  Paola Sánchez, Ecuador
  Pascale Laso, Ecuador
  Patricio Chavez, Ecuador
  Paulina Muñoz, Ecuador
  Pedro Coloma, Ecuador
  Pocho Álvarez, Ecuador
  Ramiro Avila Santamaría, Ecuador
  René Báez, Ecuador
  Ricardo Buitrón, Ecuador
  Ricardo Ramírez, Ecuador
  Rosa Elena de la Torre, Ecuador
  Rosa López, Ecuador
  Rossi Godoy, Ecuador
  Ruth Gordillo Rodríguez, Ecuador
  Sergio Salvador Brazzero, Ecuador
  Silvana Sánchez Pinto, Ecuador
  Silvia Méndez, Ecuador
  Sofía Ortega Fernández, Ecuador
  Soledad Varea, Ecuador
  Stalin Herrera, Ecuador
  Tania De la Torre, Ecuador
  Tatiana Salazar, Ecuador
  Tomás Quevedo, Ecuador
  Txarli Azcona, Ecuador
  Valeria Andrade, Ecuador
  Verónica Durán, Ecuador
  William Sacher, Ecuador
  Xavier Guachamín, Ecuador
  Ximena Gudiño, Ecuador
  Yadira Larco, Ecuador
  Ylonka Tillería, Ecuador
  Yvonne Zúñiga, Ecuador

*From:* Claudio Schuftan <schuftan at>
*To:* Erika Arteaga <erikarteaga at>
*Sent:* Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:39 AM
*Subject:* Re: Claudio

Hola Erika,
Estoy subiedo lo que me mandaste despues de este email que tiene un link en
ingles. Bastaria eso?

2012/3/14 Erika Arteaga <erikarteaga at>

ok.. y si hago una traducciòn en google?  No tenemos mucho tiempo y la
verdad creo q es importante uqe se difunda a nivel mundial.
Me avisas si se requiere una traducción totlamente formal.
Erika rumbo a Quevedo.
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