PHM-Exch> Training Course ' Struggle for Health' - Cape Town, South Africa (25 June - 4 July 2012) - Applications are invited

Hani Serag hserag at
Wed Feb 29 14:41:00 PST 2012

Dear friends and colleagues,

*Please distribute far and wide across your networks!*

*The International People's Health University (**IPHU*<>
*) *of *the People's Health Movement (**PHM* <>*)*
Jointly with
***the International Budget Partnership (IBP<>),
South Africa* and *PHM-South Africa*****

are pleased to announce


*a short course for young health activists, scheduled in
Cape Town, South Africa
>From 25 June  to 4July 2012
The course will be conducted in *English *and *French*

*A limited number of scholarships for travel and/or accommodation will be
available for qualified applicants.
Priority will be given to qualified applicants from South Africa and other
Sub-Saharan African Countries*

*French* <>
Application deadline: *[date]*

*Online application available
in English at:***
*in French at: *

*Encourage young health activists to apply now!*

*Further details at:*

- The main course will be preceded by a mandatory
during the period 12 April - 20 May 2012.

- All applicants are also encouraged to
register<>to participate
in the Third People’s Health Assembly (
PHA3 <>) which will be held in Cape Town
South Africa (6-11 July 2012).
Kind regardsd
Hani Serag
Associate Coordinator
Global Secretariat - Cairo Office
People's Health Movement (PHM)
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