PHM-Exch> Work on non-communicable diseases moves forward

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Jan 26 23:43:32 PST 2012

From: Sangeeta <ssangeeta at>
Third World Network

Work on non-communicable diseases moves forward. (Introduction; read the
full report in the website above)

Geneva, 24 Jan (K. M. Gopakumar) - The Executive Board of the World Health
Organisation (WHO), which met on 12-23 January 2012, adopted a resolution
to work further on non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

The resolution sets a process to follow up on the High-Level Meeting of the
UN General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable
Diseases (High-Level Meeting) which was held on 19-20 September 2011 at the
UN headquarters in New York.

The resolution was initially proposed by Australia, Barbados, Canada, Costa
Rica, Kenya, Norway, Russian Federation, Switzerland and the United States.
It was adopted after the Board accepted the amendments proposed by Estonia,
on behalf of the European Union, Timor Leste and France.

It contains 10 preambular paragraphs and two operational paragraphs.

Operational paragraph 2 (1) requests the WHO Director-General "to continue
in an inclusive and transparent manner, the process underway to develop, a
comprehensive global framework, including a set of indicators, capable of
application across regional and country settings and to submit a set of
voluntary targets for the prevention and control of NCDs by the end of

According to the resolution, WHO should build on the outcomes of the
consultation with Member States and organisations of the UN system which
was held on 9 January 2012.

Several Member States who spoke on the agenda highlighted the importance of
access to medicines and the need to maintain transparency and safeguards
against conflicts of interest while dealing with the private sector.
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