PHM-Exch> PHM Commentary on ongoing WHO EB meeting

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Tue Jan 17 03:57:09 PST 2012

From: amit sen <amit37064 at>

Issues for consideration at the 130th Session of the WHO Executive Board
 We hereby submit the comments and suggestions included below (see link)
regarding some of the items appearing on the agenda of the WHO Executive
PHM is committed to a stronger WHO, adequately funded, with appropriate
powers and playing the leading role in global health governance. PHM
follows closely the work of the WHO, through the governing bodies and the
secretariat. Across our networks we have technical experts and grass roots
organisations with close interests in many of the issues coming before you
over the next week.
However, WHO does not make it easy for civil society NGOs to contribute to
its consideration of the issues coming before it.
It limits the number of organisations which have an official relationship
with WHO and has recently restricted access to spaces in the Palais de
Nations during the WHA. You may also know that civil society organisations
have to submit their statements 24 hours before they are delivered. This
rule often results in the statements getting censored, refused altogether,
or, the least, rendering these interventions of little use for Member
States, being written long before their deliberations.
Over the last week members of the PHM WHO liaison group have been working
through the EB Agenda with the assistance of high level experts from a
number of collaborating networks and NGOs. This workshop was part of our
Global Health Governance Initiative which involves both watching and
advocacy. In the course of these discussions we have prepared the following
comments on some of the key issues coming before you. (You can follow the
analysis in detail at , and specifically for this EB
meeting at:  )
Members of the PHM WHO liaison group will be following the discussion at
the EB over the next week.

PHM Comments to the 130th EB session, January 2012 2
PHM Comments on Various Agenda Items:

Here's the link of the PHM commentary on the WHO EB meeting, just uploaded:
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