PHM-Exch> 'Practitioners Convening on Community Monitoring for Accountability in Health' (2)

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Dec 9 21:54:16 PST 2011

   From:    vviswanatha at

Strengthen the field of community monitoring for social accountability in
health is indeed a young field and we hope we all can work collectively in
strengthening it.

** **

We are pleased to know that we (AMHI and DSW) share mutual interest in work
for promoting social  accountability in health. We at AMHI (Accountability
and Monitoring in Health Initiative), are supporting organizations using
community monitoring approach as a social accountability mechanism
(Please CLICK
HERE <>for
more information on AMHI) in Eastern Africa (Uganda and Kenya),
Southern Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana), Central and Eastern
Europe, and Central America. We have twin strategies of  field building and
capacity building and my work is focused on the former and the convening
was an integral part of those efforts.****

** **

We are still in the early phases of establishing the Community of Practice
(COP) that we have tentatively named “Community of Practice on Community
Monitoring for accountability in health” (COPCOM). It is currently led by a
Steering Committee of eight members and a secretariat housed with CEGSS in
Guatemala. COPCOM’s project proposal for 2012 was very recently approved by
OSI (just 2 days back). This means that the secretariat and SC will
announce the establishment of the COPCOM, draft the membership guidelines,
and will circulate the call for membership in a month or two. I will make
sure that the call, when it comes out, will reach you without fail.
Further, COPCOM proposes to have a virtual COP and will require many
working groups to take forward different dimensions of its work in which
DSW can get involved depending on your interests. I will keep you updated
on the COP as it evolves. I am attaching a draft document outlining our
thinking for COPCOM (Please do not circulate or share it as it is still a
draft document that has not been approved for wider sharing).****

** **

In addition, we would be very much pleased to know more about your work on
social accountability in health in the African region – to explore
potential synergies and opportunities for collaboration. We will appreciate
you sharing any documentation or brochure that can help us appreciate your
work in the region following which we can schedule a phone call in early
January. Please let us know if this sounds good for you. ****

** **

We would also very much welcome you sharing the paper on social
accountability that you mentioned in your mail and also any other materials
pertinent to your work in health and social accountability. ****

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