PHM-Exch> Launch of Young Feminist Fund

nadia van der linde nlinde at
Thu Nov 3 19:52:28 PDT 2011

For your info:

A new Young Feminist Fund has launched its website:

They expect to launch a first grantmaking call for proposals towards the end of the year. Please note its onlyh for small grants of up to 5000 USD per grant. 

I've copied the eligibility criteria below for your info. You can sign up on their website to receive their e-mails calling for proposals. 



Before you apply for a grant, please read the information below to learn
 about our funding priorities and to learn if you are eligible to become
 a grantee. In order to be eligible for FRIDA funding, you must be: 
A group founded or led by young women/transgender youth under 30 years of age;A group (including informal/non-registered groups) or networks that 
are committed to advancing and defending young women’s rights from a 
feminist perspective globally;A group committed to improving the lives of young women and 
transgender youth at local, national, regional or international levels;
A group that demonstrates a solid commitment      to inclusive organizing, collective action and movement buildingA group that demonstrates both passion and      professionalism in your work, and that are unique, creative and brave.

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