PHM-Exch> "An Asia Pacific spotlight on health inequity: Taking Action to Address the Social and Environmental Determinants of Health Inequity in Asia Pacific 2011"

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Wed Oct 12 07:57:34 PDT 2011

From: Fran Baum <fran.baum at>

*From:* HealthGAEN [mailto:contactus at] **

AP-HealthGAEN Report released today the executive summary of "An Asia
Pacific spotlight on health inequity: Taking Action to Address the Social
and Environmental Determinants of Health Inequity in Asia Pacific 2011". You
can download it for free here: ****


HealthGAEN's Asia Pacific hub, AP-HealthGAEN has released its report on the
social and environmental determinants of health inequity in the Asia Pacific
region. This report has been a collaborative initiative, with contributions
from over 40 researchers, policy-makers and health equity advocates from
across the Asia Pacific region. AP-HealthGAEN, with the support of WHO
(WPRO), VicHealth and the Australian National University, are proud to
deliver this report as part of the regional contribution to the WHO World
Conference on Social Determinants of Health. ****


The report argues for a paradigm shift in the way we think about and improve
health equity. The report provides a basis for hope – it identifies many
entry points across different sectors through which improvements in the
distribution of power, money and resources, and conditions of daily living
can be tackled. As the review of actions across the region shows, there is
indeed a lot happening within countries to address these determinants of
health inequities. But a huge challenge remains. Without leadership,
political courage, progressive social policy and social struggle people will
continue to live with illness and die needlessly.****


The full report will be available on our website from the 17th October 2011.
We will be launching the report at the WHO World Conference on Social
Determinants of Health in Rio de Janeiro next week, 18-21st October. Stay
tuned to the HealthGAEN Facebook
more live updates from the Conference.


Sharon Friel, Chair HealthGAEN****

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