PHM-Exch> PHM Europe call to raise the fight for the Rigth to Health

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Wed Jul 27 10:20:17 PDT 2011

From: Alexis Benos <abenos at>

*PHM Europe call to raise the fight for the Rigth to Health*

*All European peoples are living nowadays in a socioeconomic and political

*The deep global economic crisis caused by the greed for profit making is
dealt, especially by the autocratic bureaucracy of the European Union, using
the causes as solutions. More privatisation, more destruction of all kind of
public service or space, more unemployment, more profits for some, less life
for he majority. Under these policies the European populations are already
suffering a violent process of deterioration of their every day life, in all
economic, social and political aspects. The deterioration of the social
determinants of health is generating steeply raising health care needs of
the lower socioeconomic classes including immigrants. In parallel, under the
strucrtural adjustment policies imposed by IMF and EU bureaucracy, all
public services, including health care, are under aggressive dismantlement
policies that are in pair with unprecedent privatisation processes.*

*Into this sociopolical setting an important grassroots movement is emerging
all over Europe gathering thousands of angry and revolted people in the
squares of all European cities.*

*Within this perspective, PHM Europe is relaunching its appeal to raise
health as a crucial social right that we have to defend today more than ever
against the barbarsim of the neoliberal policies.*

*We call all Europeans to raise and coordinate in the movement for the right
to health and participate in enriching the process towards the third People's
Health Assembly, to be held in Cape Town South Africa in July 2012.*
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