PHM-Exch> [ESCR-Right-to-Health] Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets: 8th International Food Conference

Burlingame, Barbara (AGND) Barbara.Burlingame at
Tue Jul 26 05:41:03 PDT 2011

Important Announcement

The 8th International Food Conference: Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets is taking place September 14-17, 2011
at NBI Conference Centre
Norwich, UK

This conference brings together important work relevant for the food industry and the environment, health and agriculture sectors.

We hope to see you there and we would be grateful if you could circulate this announcement widely to your listserves and interested colleagues.

Best regards,

Barbara  Burlingame, PhD
Principal Officer
Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division
FAO, Viale Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, ITALY
Tel: +39 06-57053728   Fax: +39 06-57054593
Email: Barbara.Burlingame at

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