PHM-Exch> Third People's Health Assembly: July 2012 Cape Town - General information

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Jul 21 13:24:35 PDT 2011

From: Anneleen De Keukelaere <anneleen at>

Next year, July 2012, the Third People's Health Assembly will take place in
Cape Town, South Africa!!

PHM members from around the world are encouraged to start pre-assembly
mobilisation activities leading up to the PHA3 ensuring strong local and
regional positions!

Please find below more information on the PHA3 to use for these pre-assembly
mobilisation activities.  For more information on the PHA3, feel free to
contact us on PHA3 at

Also, join the PHA3 Facebook
invite health activists from all over the world to be part of this
to be updated on latest developments with regards to local mobilisation
activities leading up to the PHA3, to share how your local PHM is preparing
and to share ideas for mobilisation, testimonies and success stories!

We look forward to hear from you!

*The PHA3 team*

Third People’s Health Assembly – PHA3


The People’s Health Assembly is a global event bringing together health
activists from across the world to share experiences, analyse the global
health situation, and develop civil society positions that promote health
for all. It is an opportunity to reassess, redirect and re-inspire

PHA3 is not just about developing our movement. It is also about impacting
directly on the struggle for social justice: on health for all, on decent
living conditions for all, on work in dignity for all, on equity and on
environmental justice.

PHA takes place approximately every 5 years: PHA1 was held in Dhaka
(Bangladesh, 2000), PHA2 in Cuenca (Ecuador, 2005). During the first PHA,
the People’s Charter for Health was developed.

The Third People’s Health Assembly will take place in the second half of
July 2012 in Cape Town, South Africa. Exact dates to be confirmed.


·         To build and strengthen the People’s Health Movement.

o    To generate a strategic dialogue about building our movement

o   To strengthen links between countries and regions, across languages,
between the global structures and the grassroots and with other key
stakeholders and other social movements (health sector and other than the
health sector).

o    To build a stronger accountability between country,  regional and
global structures of the movement.

o    To build on our identity and make us proud to be part of PHM and
inspire us to redouble our efforts within PHM.

o    To strengthen PHM activities and our membership base, particularly in
the Africa region.

o    To renew leadership, especially where it is inactive and/or grey

o    To build relationships with funding partners.

o    To celebrate our strengths and accomplishments.

o   To use pre-assembly activities and mobilisation to strengthen country
and regional movement building.


   - ·         To reflect on past  and future activities and on our progress
   and to plan and consolidate future programmes and activities of PHM to
   ensure these are reflective of felt needs and advance our flagship projects.
   - ·         To revise the People’s Charter for Health as needed
   - ·         To reflect on the structure of PHM and on the processes our
   organisation engages in [2] <#1314cbdba63bc2a0__ftn2>


* *

The programme will move from analysis to action, with sufficient time and
processes that will facilitate refining our strategies, our future
activities and movement building. There will be a balance between academic
presentations and grassroots case studies and testimonies falling under the
following broad themes:

* *

·         *Social Determinants of Health (Building links with other
movements) *

   - *A new Economic and Political Architecture  (An alternative to the
   neoliberal hegemonic system):** Focus on the political and economic
   influences that bring about social and health policies.*

   - *Building Sustainable Health Systems:**Ensuring that the health system
   provides access to comprehensive, quality and equitable services to all
   while remaining responsive to users and financially sustainable.*

   - *Voices of Resistance and Action for Change:** Includes stories of
   community members, of health workers and of others to reflect current health
   issues, challenges and  success stories.*

   - *Keeping a Watch on Global Processes and Institutions:** Presentations
   and discussions around policy-making and interventions by organisations that
   function at national, regional and international levels **(e.g.,
   Departments of Health, WHO, UNICEF, PEPFAR, Global Fund, etc).*

In addition to plenary and parallel sessions, there will be workshops on the
People’s Charter for Health and on developing future activities for PHM and
for other joint activities with other civil society programs.

The Assembly will take place over five-days and will have approximately 1200
participants with over 60% of them coming from Africa.

Other events planned before, during and after PHA3:
Day 1-8                  An IPHU with the cross cutting themes of Universal
Health Coverage, Primary Health
                              Care and Social Determinants of Health.

Day 9:                    Evaluation and Conclusions of the IPHU; Meeting of
PHM's Steering Council

Day 10-14:            Attendance in PHA 3

Days 15-17:           New Steering Council Meeting


This will entail working in country and regional processes and events
leading up to PHA3. The PHA provides an opportunity to build a strong health
movement nationally and regionally bringing people together around common
issues and struggles and defining ways to work and act together.

Pre-assembly mobilisation activities can be used: to organise nationally and
regionally around such common issues; to present and gather stories and
experiences using these as a base for learning and joint action; and to
discuss and suggest amendments to the People’s Charter for Health. The main
objectives of the pre-assembly mobilisation are to strengthen collaboration
and encourage inspiring exchanges among PHM activists, as well as to
increase the participation of grassroots voices at the main assembly. Pre-
assembly activities are key to a bottom up process, organised and developed
by the organisations interested, involved and willing to take it on.

Some questions to be addressed in pre-assembly mobilisation activities can

­    What issues and challenges unite us as a country and as a region?

­    What strategies can be developed to address the same?

­    Who are the rights holders and duty bearers that should be involved and

­    Are there networks beyond the health sector that we need to work closer

Some activities that can be carried out in the pre-assembly period are:

-          Organising workshops aimed at improving  the People’s Charter for

-          Gathering testimonies and case studies to reflect grassroots
realities around specific themes.

-          Holding hearings or planning actions around PHM's Right to Health

-          Developing action plans and campaigns with a shared agenda to
channel people’s action.

-          Preparing discussion papers.

-          Feeding into the regional mobilisation process.

National and regional assemblies or mobilisation activities can be linked to
other events and social fora.  Regional Organising Committees can be formed
to drive mobilisation activities and assist with regional fundraising.

In general, pre-assembly mobilisation activities are to focus on
strengthening local movement building, exchanging information and strategies
leading to Health for All.

For more information, please contact us on PHA3 at


[1] <#1314cbdba63bc2a0__ftnref1> There have been a number of position papers
and statements since 2000. The PHA will serve as an opportunity to ensure
the Charter reflects updates and the changed environment since then,
congruent with these different existing position papers.

[2] <#1314cbdba63bc2a0__ftnref2> This will be a participatory process
leading to a revised/new governance structure in the lead up to PHA3 and to
be ratified therein.
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