PHM-Exch> Global Health Workforce Issue Briefs

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Wed Jun 8 11:36:41 PDT 2011

From: Jennifer Solomon <jsolomon at>

Three global health workforce issue briefs are now available on the
CapacityPlus<> website.

Issue Brief #1. What will motivate health workers to stay in rural areas?
This brief presents an overview of the issue of retention along with
suggested actions, key considerations, and CapacityPlus resources.

Health Worker Information Systems<
Issue Brief #2. How can countries gather and use health workforce data to
increase access to care? This brief presents an overview of the issue of
health worker information systems along with suggested actions, key
considerations, and CapacityPlus resources.

Human Resources Management<
Issue Brief #3. How can we strengthen the systems health workers need to
function effectively? This brief presents an overview of the issue of HR
management along with suggested actions, key considerations, and
CapacityPlus resources.

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Jennifer Solomon

IntraHealth International/CapacityPlus
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