PHM-Exch> Lancet Vaccine Series symposium reminder

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Mon Jun 6 12:08:33 PDT 2011

*Launch of The Lancet Series on The New Decade of Vaccines*

Manson Lecture Theatre

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Friday June 10

9:00-9:05                     *Welcome and Introduction*

*Richard Horton/Peter Piot*

9:05-10:00                   *Papers 1, 2, and 3: **The next decade of
vaccines: societal and scientific challenges; Vaccine discovery and
translation of new vaccine technology; and Vaccine production, distribution,
access, and uptake***

*Richard Moxon (University of Oxford, UK)*

10:00-11:00                 *Discussion*

11:00-11:30                 *Coffee*

11:30-11:50                 *Paper 4:* *The future of immunisation policy,
implementation, and  financing*

*                                    Orin Levine (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health, USA**)*

11:50-12:10                 *Paper 5: **Addressing the vaccine confidence

*                                    *Heidi Larson* (**London** school of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK)***

12:10-1:00                   *Discussion***

* *

1:00-2:00                     *Lunch *

2:00-2:20                     *Call to Action*

*Richard Moxon (University of Oxford, UK)*

2:20-3:30                     *Panel Discussion + Q&A (Chaired by Richard

*                                    *Richard Moxon

                                    Orin Levine

                                    Heidi Larson

                                    David Heymann *(The **Chatham House
Centre on Global Health Security**)*

                                    Stephen Lockhart *(Senior Vice
President, Vaccine Development, Emergent BioSolutions)*

*                                    *Simon Wright (*Save the Children)*

 3:30-3:40                     *Closing remarks*

                                    *Richard Horton*
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