PHM-Exch> Spain: the power of small actions of many people.

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu May 26 13:59:45 PDT 2011

Mind the attack that is being prepared in Spain.

Concrete ideas for specific goals.

"For a real democracy now."

We have prepared the first nonviolent action and mass struggle. Help us
spread it.

Banks and speculators have been the main cause of the current crisis so that
they will be the focus of our first non violent attack.

The 30th of May we will express our indignation against the abuse practiced
by banks not only against citizens independently, but also against states.

Today we launched a peaceful and subtle, but strong and striking campaign to
clearly show the outrage we feel, and our strength and commitment to reach
the end.

The aim is to see our ultimate vindication fulfilled, i.e., to install a
real democracy.

We appeal to all those who agree with our demands, to participate in a run
of capital from the  banks on the 30th of May.

If you are willing, we suggest you withdraw 150 euros from your account. The
operation may be done throughout the day, preferably by going to a bank
branch or using automated teller machines.

The reason for choosing that particular number is we had to pick a
significant and symbolic figure with enough force which will show the banks
that these movements are motivated from the indignation that makes us

Regarding the May 30 action, we believe it is within reason that the message
can be disseminated properly and reaches more people to help us. Being
effective in
our attack does not express violence against the greed of banks, but sends a
message against the established economic system with its tax havens,
speculation and shows a general interest in solidarity.

In addition, this will be a symbolic reminder that our movement has only
just begun.

The 30th of May, will hear all the voices screaming in unison that another
world is possible.

The 30th of May the people's voice will be heard more strongly than that of
the political parties.

The 30th of May, you can count on the outrage of active people demanding
real democracy, of the power of people over economic interests, financial
speculation ... of people over the markets.

May 30, in Spain,  will be a further step towards a better world.

Guillermo Cáceres
guillermo at

Barcelona - Spain
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