PHM-Exch> The World Medicines Situation Report 2011

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Mon Apr 25 18:41:46 PDT 2011

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>
crossposted from: EQUIDAD at

 *The World Medicines Situation Report 2011


*World Health Organization WHO


Available online at:

 The third edition of the World Medicines Situation Report brings together
new data on 24 key topics relating to pharmaceutical production and
consumption, innovation, regulation and safety - in one place.

 Topics include selection, procurement, supply management, rational use,
financing and pricing. Cross-cutting chapters cover household medicines use,
access and human rights, good governance, human resources and national
medicines policies.

 The chapters released in April 2011 are:


Background on past and present efforts to document and improve sharing of

 *Medicines Prices Availability and Affordability*

Features data and information from surveys using WHO standard methodology.
Poor medicine availability, particularly in the public sector, is a key
barrier to access to medicines.

 *Rational Use of Medicines*

Describes the problem of irrational use of medicines and the harmful
consequences in terms of morbidity, mortality and impact to health cost.
This chapter looks at global data, and draws attention to trends in
developing and transitional countries, in both public and private sectors.

Rational Use of Medicines - annexes

 *Traditional Medicines: Global Situation Issues and Challenges *

Describes the use of traditional medicines, including herbal medicines, in
every country around the world. The global market in traditional medicines
is increasing exponentially, although regulatory status varies greatly
between countries.

 *Access to Controlled Medicines*

International drug treaties stress that psychotropic and narcotic substances
available must be available for medical and scientific use, even if they are
classified as controlled medicines.

 *Good Governance*

Reviews the findings of country studies, highlighting weaknesses and
strengths in pharmaceutical systems that can help policy-makers better
understand problems and identify solutions.

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