PHM-Exch> Call for applications: Young Professionals - Public ehealth Innovation and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean - eSAC Project

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Sat Apr 9 00:56:40 PDT 2011

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>


*Opportunity for Young Professionals to work in Public eHealth in Latin
America and the Caribbean

*Deadline for Applications: June 6, 2011*

Call for applications website:

Application form:

Inequities in health are prevalent in and across many parts of Latin America
and The Caribbean – this can be found between different social groups and
are influenced by race, gender, ethnicity, among other things. eSAC Project
aims at improving the health of disadvantaged groups and contributing to the
advancement of equity in health in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), by
nurturing and promoting Public eHealth innovation.

The Regional project is jointly designed and implemented by the Pan-American
Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) (, Washington DC, and the
People, Health Equity and Innovation (PHI) Research Group (
at the University of Toronto, Toronto. eSAC Project is funded by the
Ottawa-based International Development Research Centre (IDRC) (

Highly educated and motivated young professionals (YPs) will be selected and
hired to support the successful implementation of the eSAC project. YPs will
help catalyze the development of a Public eHealth and equity in health
regional community of practice and will contribute to most other project

For more information on the call and the project in general, please follow
these links:

For more information, please see the eSAC project web site:
PAHO/WHO website:
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