PHM-Exch> Big Pharma inside the WHO: Wikileaks

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Sun Dec 19 10:12:26 PST 2010

*Big Pharma inside the **WHO: confidential analysis of*
*unreleased WHO Expert Working Group draft reports, 8*
Dec 2009

Unless otherwise specified the document described here:

Was first publicly revealed by Wikileaksworking with our source.

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Released December 9, 2009

This is a confidential pharmaceutical industry trade association dossier
about the WHO Expert Working

Group (EWG) on R&D Financing.

The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations
(IFPMA; "Big Pharma")

gave its members 4 documents: a non-public draft report of the WHO EWG and a

Comparative Analysis done by the working group, the IFPMA Overview of the
EWG Comparative

Analysis, and IFPMA summary slide on the EWG Draft Report.

The compilation of documents shows the influence of "Big Pharma" on the
policy making decisions of

the WHO, the UN body safeguarding public health. These confidential
documents were obtained by the

drug industry before their public release to WHO member states (scheduled to
be released May 2010).

The document also illustrates that the WHO expert group was highly
responsive to industry lobbying — a

result that public health groups had feared since early 2009, when the
expert group met with the industry,

but refused to meet with public health groups known to be industry critics.

Journalists can contact Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO:
chanm at    and Malebona

Precious Matsoso, WHO Director, Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual
Property: matsosom at

According to our source, the English version of the final report of the EWG
with its recommendations is
expected to be released to member state countries this week.

§ ewg-comparative-analysis-11-12-09.pdf

§ ewg-report-draft-20-11-09.pdf

§ ifpma-ewg-final-report-draft.pdf

§ ifpma-ewg-internal-mail.pdf

§ ifpma-ewg-overview-comparative-analysis.pdf

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International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations

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