PHM-Exch> Philippines: Morong 43 group to P-Noy: do the right thing now

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Nov 4 20:57:06 PDT 2010

From: CHD ManCom <chdmancom at>

*Media Release*


November 5, 2010

*References:     Dr. Julie Caguiat, S**pokesperson, 0909**-**1133038*

*                            Philip Paraan, Media Officer, 0919-4861580*


* *

Morong 43 group to P-Noy: do the right thing now

Free the 43 Health Workers!
Alliance<>trooped to
Malacañang again today to seek a dialogue with the President
himself to order the release of the Morong 43 following his declaration that
evidences against the health workers were wrongly gotten.

Relatives, supporters, and representatives from the health sector once again
knocked on the doors of the Palace to ask the President to stop
dilly-dallying with the case and let justice commence by withdrawing all
cases against the 43.

“We will not tire on knocking on the doors of the President’s office until
he hears our plea.  Every day that the health workers spend in jail is a day
of injustice,” Dr. Julie P. Caguiat said.

It is very ironic that as President Aquino joins other world leaders in
calling for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, a pro-democracy political icon
that sought to counter the military junta in Myanmar, he is numb on the
continuing human rights violations reeking in his very country, the group

She added that Malacañang’s lack of time frame to concretely act on the case
is very disappointing.  “Mr. Aquino should walk the talk and not limit
himself to lip service.  If indeed he wants to correct the errors committed
against the 43, what or who is holding him from acting on the case
immediately?” Dr. Caguiat expressed.

Ordering the withdrawal of all cases against the Morong 43 is within the
President’s authority, the group said.  They added that by doing so, the
courts can consequently order for the detainees’ release.  “By freeing the
Morong 43 and all political prisoners in the country, President Aquino can
prove that he is indeed different from his predecessor Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo,” the group concluded.##
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