PHM-Exch> New Save the Children paper: Inequalities in Child Survival

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Wed Aug 18 04:01:00 PDT 2010

From: Patrick Watt <P.Watt at>

We have recently released an issues paper entitled *Inequalities in child
survival: looking at wealth and other socio-economic disparities in
developing countries*.  The paper looks at the disparities in under-five
mortality in 65 low and middle-income countries with case studies from India
and Bangladesh to complement analysis.  It examines the relationship between
the rate and inequality in under-five mortality and the wider determinants
of the disparities in child survival.

Please visit our online library to download the paper:

You can also read a blog on the paper at

*Patrick Watt **| **Director of Development Policy **| **Save the Children |
1 St. John's Lane, London EC1M 4AR | Direct line: +44 (0)20 7012 6749 |
Mobile: 07717 432828 | Email:** p.watt at | *
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