PHM-Exch> New book on IMF policies, public health and the fight against HIV/AIDS

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Wed May 12 23:12:59 PDT 2010

From: Ruvani de Silva ruvani.de_silva at

 *"The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism: How the IMF Has Undermined Public
Health and the Fight Against AIDS" (Zed Books Ltd)*

 *by Rick Rowden*


*About the Book*

*The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism** explores the history of and current
collision between two of the major global phenomena that have characterized
the last 30 years: the spread of HIV/AIDS and other diseases of poverty and
the ascendancy of neoliberal economic ideas. The book explains not only how
IMF policies of restrictive spending have exacerbated public health problems
in developing countries, in particular the HIV/AIDS crisis, but also how
such issues cannot be resolved under these economic policies. It also
suggests how mounting global frustration about this inability to adequately
address HIV/AIDS will ultimately lead to challenges to the dominant
neoliberal ideas, as other more effective economic ideas for increasing
public spending are sought. *

*In stark, powerful terms, Rowden offers a unique and in-depth critique of
development economics, the political economy dynamics of global foreign aid
and health institutions, and how these seemingly abstract* *factors play out
in the real world - from the highest levels of global institutions to
African finance and health ministries to rural health outposts in the
countryside of developing nations, and back again.*

*Table of Contents*

*Part I   Emergence of HIV/AIDS and the global response *

*1   The history of global funding to fight HIV/AIDS *

*2   The impact of the AIDS response on public health systems*

*3   The shortage of healthcare workers and the ‘brain drain’ problem*

*4   The debate over ‘vertical’ versus ‘horizontal’ donor aid*

*5   Different types of health systems, different types of financing*

*Part II   The neoliberal development model*

*6    The Reagan revolution, structural adjustment and the Washington

*7    Neoliberal theory and its policies*

*8    The consequences for development*

*Part III   Consequences for health*

*9     The demise of public health and the rise of neoliberalism *

*10   The consequences for health*

*11   Thirty years later: coming full circle – rediscovering public health*

*12   The IMF: blocking progress on public health*

 *Click here for an **audio clip of an interview with the
* on KPFA's "Against the Grain" radio program in the San Francisco Bay Area*

 *The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism by Rick Rowden is published by Zed Books
in the UK. For more information or to request a press copy contact Ruvani de
Silva on +44 20 7837 8466 or
**ruvani.de_silva at*<ruvani.de_silva at>


*To buy the book, click on ***<><>
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