PHM-Exch> Hunger on the Rise

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Mar 12 17:50:22 PST 2010

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>
crossposted from: EQUIDAD at

 *Hunger on the Rise*

Finance & Development, March 2010, Volume 47, Number 1

*….*Number of hungry people tops one billion……….


Available online at:

“……World hunger spiked sharply in 2009, significantly worsening an already
disappointing trend in global food security since 1996. The combination of
food and economic crises has pushed the number of hungry people worldwide to
historic levels. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) estimates that 1.02 billion people were undernourished in 2009—about
100 million more than in 2008. As a result, reaching the World Food Summit
target and the Millennium Development Goal for hunger reduction looks
increasingly out of reach…..”

*The State of Food Insecurity in the World*

*Economic crises – impacts and lessons learned

FAO F**ood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations*

*Rome, 2009


PDF [61p.] at:

“…….This report highlights the fact that, even before the food crisis and
the economic crisis, the number of hungry people had been increasing slowly
but steadily. With the onset of these crises, however, the number of hungry
people in the world increased sharply.

As a result of the global economic crisis, developing countries are facing
declines in remittances, export earnings, foreign direct investment and
foreign aid, leading to loss of employment and income. This loss of income
is compounded by food prices that are still relatively high in the local
markets of many poor countries.

As a result, poor households have been forced to eat fewer meals and
less-nutritious food, cut back on health and education expenses,

and sell their assets.

Despite the financial constraints faced by governments around the world,
agricultural investment and safety nets remain key parts of an effective
response to reduce food insecurity both now and in the future…..”


* Undernourishment around the world*

* *Hunger has been on the rise for the past decade

* *The global economic crisis: another blow to the food-insecure and

Transmission of the economic crisis to the developing countries

Quantifying the food security impacts of the economic crisis

* *Coping mechanisms of the poor and food-insecure

* Case studies of countries affected by the economic crisis*

* *Armenia

* *Bangladesh

* *Ghana

* *Nicaragua

* *Zambia

* Towards eliminating hunger*

* *The importance of investing in agriculture and public goods

* *Safety nets for the short term and long term

* *The right to food

*Technical annex
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