PHM-Exch> The future of financing for WHO

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Mar 11 18:21:39 PST 2010

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>
crosposted from: EQUIDAD at

 *The future of financing for WHO

* *Report of an informal consultation convened by the Director-General
Geneva, Switzerland, 12–13 January 2010


*World Health Organization** **WHO/DGO/2010.1


PDF [32p.] English [pdf

French [pdf 683kb] <>

Spanish [pdf 768kb] <>

“…..From 12-13 January 2010, the Director-General of WHO, Dr Margaret Chan
convened an informal consultation on the future of financing for WHO. The
consultation brought together senior officials and ministers from ministries
of health, development cooperation, finance and foreign affairs speaking in
their personal capacity.

The purpose of the meeting was to provide an opportunity to review the new
landscape in which WHO works and to link this with a discussion about how
WHO can define its core business more precisely, and what needs to be done
to put the Organization on a more secure and sustainable financial footing
in the future.

The meeting did not aim to reach definitive conclusions or consensus.
Rather, it was conducted as a strategic conversation: identifying key issues
in relation to WHO’s work at global and country level; acknowledging
differences of opinion where they exist; and charting a way forward that
will initially widen the circle of Member States involved in the discussion,
and ultimately bring the debate into the more formal ambit of WHO’s
Governing Bodies.

The report, following the introduction, is in two parts. The first provides
an overview of the issues discussed. To give readers not present at the
meeting a feel for how these were presented, it takes the form of the
Director-General’s address at the opening of the meeting. The next section
summarizes key themes from the discussion ….”
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