PHM-Exch> PHM Right to Health and Health Care Campaign update Jan 2010.
Claudio Schuftan
cschuftan at
Mon Feb 8 23:39:09 PST 2010
*PHM Right to Health and Health Care Campaign update Jan 2010.*
It is time again to give an update where the campaign has gone since the
middle of last year.
Kenya has joined the campaign and will be funded shortly. Djibouti has sent
a plan and is reworking its budget. Togo got funding to hold its workshop to
present the assessment results and prepare an action plan. Cameroun has sent
a plan for the same workshop and is reworking its budget for that. Benin has
promised a plan for the workshop shortly. Morocco did an assessment of the
RTH --without PHM funding-- and sent us a copy. Ecuador worked on RTH
wording for the new national Constitution. India is successfully carrying
out a community based monitoring of the RTH. Guatemala has completed the
assessment and we are expecting the report. Liberia recently contacted us
very preliminarily.
Several countries are still in the process of joining the campaign:
Uganda* (we had a recent encouraging development there accelerating the
Argentina* (I recently visited Buenos Aires and had a meeting to discus
campaign options),
Brasil* (the group in Porto Alegre is moving towards the launch and a PHM
circle member attended a HR course in Europe),
Colombia (met with us at the IPHU in Havana and is planning the campaign),
Peru (met with us at the IPHU in Havana and is planning the campaign),
The Philippines* (has a draft plan to be sent to us for consideration),
Bangladesh* (recently send us renewed interest to start the campaign in the
North of the country),
Nepal* (the PHM circle met last Sept and agreed to launch the campaign;
delays have followed with us insisting they get the campaign organized), and
Pakistan* (no new developments since last contacts last year),
Other countries have already submitted their plans and should be starting
soon*: Gabon, Senegal and, as said, Djibouti.
Some countries have an ongoing campaign*: Burkina Faso, South Africa, Mali,
India and Bolivia.
Some countries already submitted their campaign reports, but have been too
slow to make the changes requested (please send those revised versions to
Claudio!)**: DRCongo (and a separate East DRC report) and Congo.
Countries that have already submitted their campaign reports (approved) and
are planning to hold a national hearing to present the results (for which we
can help them with some seed money): Benin and Cameroun.
Uruguay, Togo, Cameroun, Benin, Zimbabwe and the UK have approved reports.
[Any country not mentioned here is welcome to inquire with us how they can
get a PHM *circle going so as to launch the campaign].***
*: These countries have set up a new national PHM circle.
**: Changes requested are to better adapt the reports to the HR-based
framework. In general, the reports do give a good picture of the RTH
situation, but often fall short of making truly HR-based recommendations
that mobilize claim holders to demand changes and work with duty bearers for
them to live up to their obligations.
We are now coordinating our efforts to fundraise for the campaign with the
global secretariat.
With the shift of the PHM Global Secretariat to South Africa and following a
Steering Committee meeting in Havana last December, we are working with our
new Global Coordinator (Bridget Lloyd) to put HR and RTH work more at the
center of PHM work worldwide and hoping we will be able to hire a
co-coordinator for the campaign.
Most importantly, at the same Steering Committee meeting, it was decided to
set up an internal PHM task force to review the campaign and plan for its
future. Dr Jihad Mashal from Palestine was appointed chair. We are planning
to get the task force working shortly and will communicate with you our
constituents any new developments as they are agreed. For the time being for
the next couple months, until the task force’s report is finalized, we will
freeze funding for new assessments of the RTH --the first step of our
campaign so far. It is envisaged that new modalities for the campaign will
become part of our future plan from 2010 on.
The cadres involved in the campaign in the francophone countries of North,
Central and West Africa are still expected to attend an International
People’s Health University (IPHU) session, but now tentatively in Lebanon
for training (schedule has not been set yet).
Our regional coordinators for francophone Africa and South Asia (S. Nyombo
and Kamayani) are active and helping.
*Claudio (campaign coordinator) is available to skype with anybody on
campaign related issues at the address clauviet. General information on the
campaign can be found at * *following the link to
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