PHM-Exch> An Economic Framework for Analysing the Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Tue Nov 17 15:00:06 PST 2009

Dear all,
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From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) ruglucia at

 *An Economic Framework for Analysing the Social Determinants of Health and
Health Inequalities


David Epstein 1,2 ; Dolores Jiménez-Rubio 2 ; Peter C Smith 1; Marc Suhrcke3

1University of York, UK

2University of Granada, Spain

3University of East Anglia, UK

*CHE Research Paper series - Centre for Health Economics*

*University** of York** October 2009


Available online PDF [68p.] at:


“……Reducing health inequalities is an important part of health policy in
most countries. This paper discusses from an economic perspective how
government policy can influence health inequalities, particularly focusing
on the outcome of performance targets in England, and the role of sectors of
the economy outside the health service – the ‘social determinants’ of health
- in delivering these targets.

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