PHM-Exch> European Commission Launches Consultation on EU Role in Global Health

Slim SLAMA Slim.Slama at
Fri Oct 16 08:16:49 PDT 2009

Dear PHM colleagues,

The European Commission has launched an online consultation on the EU
role in Global Health. The Consultation will run for eight weeks from 14
October 2009 to 9 December 2009.

The Consulation is introduced by noting the significance Global Health
has gradually and rightfully taken as a priority in the areas of foreign
policy, national health strategies, development partnerships and global
public goods. The dimensions of equity and the global factors affecting
health are challenged by globalization and require an enhanced,
inter-disciplinary and coherent approach of both internal and external
policies and strategies. In view of these challenges, there is a need to
better identify the role and strategy of the EU.

The Consultation itself takes the form of an outline document and
questionnaire  that all EU citizens and relevant organisations are
invited to complete and return. The consultation has three main focuses
within Global Health: Global Health and development cooperation,
research and development and Global Health, and the impact of
globalization on EU health .

All contributions to the document will also be posted online.

This announcement has been written by Action for Global Health, a
cross-Europe network of NGOs and charities, calling for Europe to act
now to enable developing countries to achieve the health Millennium
Development Goals by 2015 is taking part to this consultative process.

A roadmap and a ppt presentation for the Communication on the EU role in
Global Health can be found on EUPHA's website:

Is PHM aware of this consultation? I think it would be important for the
movement to join Action for Global Health to react and comment on the EU
issue paper.

warm regards

Slim Slama

Dr Slim Slama
Chief resident
FMH Internal Medicine
Programme Director of the Geneva Health Forum
Division of International and Humanitarian Medicine,
Department of Community 
Medicine and Primary Care 
Geneva University Hospitals
24, rue Micheli-du-Crest
1211 Geneva 14
Chef de Clinique
FMH de Médecine Interne
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Service de Médecine Internationale et Humanitaire
Dpt de Médecine Communautaire et de Premier Recours
Directeur scientifique du Geneva Health Forum
Rue Micheli-du-Crest 24
1211 Genève 14
tel : +41 22 372 96 58
mobile: +41 79 446 70 86
fax: +41 22 372 96 26
email: slim.slama at

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