PHM-Exch> Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Global Health - Cuernavaca Mexico April 9 - 11, 2010 - Call for abstracts

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Tue Sep 29 04:49:27 PDT 2009

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) ruglucia at

 Alliances for Global Health Education: Learning from South-South
Learning from South-South Collaboration

*1st Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Global Health


*Hosted at: Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP)
Cuernavaca, Mexico   -  April 9 - 11, 2010



*November 1, 2009: *Deadline for all abstract submissions are 11:59 pm
Eastern Time

The program analyzes the differences between South/South collaborations and
traditional North/South alliances, examines successes and obstacles to
effective functioning of these partnerships and culls lessons that can be
learned and adopted by the North.

* Awards
*Recognition for Global Health Activities & Scholarships Awarded for
Leadership and Excellence

*Call for abstracts:*

*Keynote Speaker:* *Paulo Buss, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)*
Dr. Paulo Buss is President of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil's
national institute of health which provides community services throughout
Brazil and postgraduate medical training in public health.

*Plenary Panels:*

▪ Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Health Education:
  Beyond the traditional medical model

▪ Lessons Learned from A(H1N1) Virus

▪ Role of Institutional Alliances in Advancing Global Health Education

▪ Ethics and Equity Issues of Collaborations for Global Health

▪ Social Determinants of Health

▪ Global Health Diplomacy

  *An Exploration of Issues::*

▪ International Agencies and Global Health Alliances

▪ Economic Crises and Health, Workforce Education

▪ Pros and Cons of Multicultural Collaborations

▪ Research and Residencies Abroad

▪ Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Health

▪ Surgery in Global Health

▪ Regional Perspectives on Global Health Education

▪ Chronic and Lifestyle Diseases

▪ Education and Human Resources Development

▪ Nutrition and Malnutrition

▪ Clinical Practice and Research in Global Health

▪ Accidents, Violence and Trauma

▪ The Environment and Global Health

▪ Student Experiences in Global Health

▪ Public Policies and Health

▪ Aging as a Global Health Concern

▪ Access to Care

▪ New Technologies in Global Health

*Invited Speakers Include:*

▪ Marco Akerman, Pan American Health Organization

▪ Ilona Kickbusch, Graduate Inst. of Intl. Dev. Studies, Geneva

▪ Jack Bryant, World Health Organzation

▪ Pablo Kuri, Mexico Secretariat of Health

▪ Pierre Buekens, Tulane University

▪ Laura Magaña, Instituto de Salud

▪ Paulo Buss, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

▪ Tom Novotny, San Diego State University

▪ Julio Frenk, Harvard University

▪ Walter Patrick, South Asian Partners for Global Health

▪ Mauricio Hernandez, Mexico Ministry of Health

▪ Mirta Roses, Pan American Health Organization

▪ King Holmes, University of Washington

▪ Jeanette Vega, Undersecretary of Public Health, Chile


Golabl Health INSP Cuernavaca, Morelos MEXICO

Tel . (52-777) 329 3000 Ext. 5205 y 5206 Fax: (777) 311 1156
saludglobal at

* *

*Para solicitar mayor información en español:
*Dra. Nelly Salgado de Snyder. Programa de

Salud Global del INSP; Teléfono +52 777 329-3000 ext 5205 y 5206.
Correo electrónico:  nsnyder at
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