PHM-Exch> IDRC Call for Expressions of Interest: Think Tank Initiative for policy research institutions

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Wed Aug 12 18:54:12 PDT 2009

 *Call for Expressions of Interest: Think Tank Initiative **


*International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada 2009



The Think Tank Initiative invites applications from eligible organizations
in Latin America and South Asia that are committed to using research to
inform and influence social and economic policy. The Initiative will provide
multi-year core funding and technical support to successful think tanks.

*Deadline: September 28, 2009**

*Eligibility - *The Think Tank Initiative announces the launch of its Call
for Expressions of Interest in the following countries in Latin America and
South Asia:

*Latin America: Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Paraguay, Peru**
**South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka**
The Initiative invites independent policy research institutions in these
countries to submit Expressions of Interest that identify long-term
strategies to:

·         Develop their own robust research agenda;

·         Increase their ability to inform and influence policy; and,

·         Improve key aspects of their organizational performance.

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:

·         Possess a track record of rigorous research and analysis on *
national* social and economic policy issues related to growth, equity and
poverty reduction; this precludes institutions whose work is focused
exclusively on one sector or policy issue; and,

·         Be committed to using research to inform national public debate
and to create spaces for discussion and new ideas;

·         Be existing non-governmental, not-for-profit organizations legally
founded and registered as independent entities in the country of operation.
*Funding Available*

The Think Tank Initiative will make a series of core grants to cover
operating and research costs as well as institutional strengthening
activities. Grants will provide up to 30 percent of an institution’s overall
budget over the funding period. Initially, core grants will be either a
four-year grant or a two-year renewable grant combined with tailored
capacity development support to address key weaknesses.

Up to 15 institutions per region are expected to qualify for support as a
result of this Call.
*Expressions of Interest*

Expressions of Interest should be submitted online. Please refer to the
application form for further details. Applicants will be requested to answer
several questions, and, in general, the review panel will be looking for:

·         A description of the organization, its vision and mission, and its
commitment to undertake organizational improvement;

·         A brief description of current research areas, significant
achievements and future research agenda;

·         A description of current and future partners, stakeholders and
users of their research;

·         An overview of how the institution anticipates making use of
support from this Initiative (e.g., kinds of improvements to be introduced).

·         Additional information and documentation is also requested to
support the application.

For more information please see the "Call for Expressions of
All enquiries should be addressed to: thinktank at
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