PHM-Exch> BMA Information Fund: applications now invited for 2009

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Wed Aug 5 23:08:31 PDT 2009

From: Vern Weitzel <vern.weitzel at>
crossposted from: "[health-vn discussion group]" <health-vn at>

From:   Martin Carroll <mcarroll at>

The British Medical Association's International Department runs the BMA
Information Fund which helps to provide health information to
organisations in developing countries. The fund donates educational
materials, such as books and DVDs, and is run in association with
Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC).

We are currently inviting applications for 2009 from health care
institutions, health NGOs, medical school libraries and other related
organisations. Please note that we are unable to consider requests from

To submit an application, please download the application form and TALC
book list from the following page:

Please note that the maximum award per application is £2000

Completed application forms and booklists should be sent to the BMA either:

by email to internationalinfo at
by post to British Medical Association, BMA House, Tavistock Square,
London WC1H 9JP, United Kingdom
or by fax on 44 (0) 207 383 6644

The closing date is 14 September 2009.

Martin Carroll
Deputy Head
International Department
British Medical Association
London, UK
Tel: +44 (0)207 383 6231

HIFA2015 profile: Martin Carroll is Deputy Head of the International
Department, British Medical Association, London, UK. The BMA
International Department runs a scheme called BMA/BMJ Information Fund,
which provides educational materials for health organisations in
low-income countries. MCarroll AT
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