PHM-Exch> New publication in French and Spanish

Morgan Stoffregen MStoffregen at REPRORIGHTS.ORG
Mon Jun 29 18:05:29 PDT 2009

Dear Colleagues,

The International Initiative on Maternal Mortality and Human Rights is pleased to share with you the Spanish and French versions of our publication "No More Needless Deaths: A Call to Action on Human Rights and Maternal Mortality."

1) "No más muertes innecesarias: Un llamado a la acción en materia de derechos humanos y mortalidad materna" 
available at

2) Halte aux morts inutiles: Appel à l’action sur les droits humains et la mortalité maternelle
available at

We hope that you enjoy these publications and encourage you to share them with interested colleagues.

Warm regards,
(Ms) Morgan Stoffregen
International Initiative on Maternal Mortality and Human Rights (IIMMHR)

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