PHM-Exch> Fair tests of health-care policies and treatments: a request for help from readers

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Mon Jun 1 09:26:06 PDT 2009

 *Fair tests of health-care policies and treatments:
a request for help from readers* *Andrew D Oxman a & Iain Chalmers b
*a. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for Health Services, Oslo, Norway.
b. James Lind Library, Oxford, England.

*Bulletin of the World Health Organization** - June 2009;87:407-407. doi:

Available online at;

“….Health-care policies impact on peoples’ lives. For example, a policy
decision not to have publicly funded health insurance with universal
coverage limits peoples’ choices to what they can afford. Those who make
policy decisions are ethically and politically bound to make decisions that
are in the interests of the people whom they serve. Evaluating the effects
of policies is important because this is the only way of knowing the extent
to which policies are doing more good than harm….”

There are three ways in which you can help us:
*1. Provide examples of randomized evaluations of health-care policies
2. Provide examples of compelling evidence from non-randomized evaluations
of health-care policies
3. Provide early examples of treatment evaluations*

If you are aware of examples relevant to any of the three categories
described above, please send us copies of them, identifying the key passages
and providing a translation if the text is not in English, by post,
facsimile or e-mail to: *Bulletin of the World Health Organization* Project,
c/o James Lind Initiative, Summertown Pavilion, Middle Way, Oxford OX2 7LG,
England. Fax: +44 1865 516 311; e-mail: feedback at Your
help will be acknowledged explicitly unless you instruct us otherwise….”
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