PHA-Exch> Health and Human Rights journal: Submissions deadline extended

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Apr 17 00:34:26 PDT 2009


 DEADLINE EXTENDED for invited manuscripts on “nondiscrimination and
equality” to *Health and Human Rights: An International Journal. *The new
deadline is *May 15, 2009*. Details below.

*Issue 11:2 **Non-Discrimination and Equality**
*Submissions due: May 15, 2009

Non-discrimination is perhaps the most fundamental principle underlying all
of human rights. Yet, notions of equality and non-discrimination have yet to
be fully developed as they apply to health policy and programming.  What
does equality actually mean in rolling out or scaling up services, or
determining resource allocations in health? What dimensions of inequality
result in inequity?  What are the grounds for advancing substantive equality
as it relates to preconditions for health and access to care?  How is the
concept of non-discrimination related to but distinct from development
concepts of social exclusion? This issue will critically explore these
concepts in theory and practice.  Further information is available at: **.



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