PHA-Exch> World Malaria Report 2008

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Tue Jan 27 03:59:41 PST 2009

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>
crossposted from: EQUIDAD at

   *World Malaria Report 2008*

* *

World Health Organization**

* *

*Available online PDF file [215p.] at: *

"….*Half of the world's population is at risk of malaria, and an estimated
247 million cases led to nearly 881 000 deaths in 2006. The advent of
long-lasting insecticidal nets and artemisinin-based combination therapy,
plus a revival of support for indoor residual spraying of insecticide,
presents a new opportunity for large-scale malaria control.

The World malaria report 2008 describes the global distribution of cases and
deaths, how WHO-recommended control strategies have been adopted and
implemented in endemic countries, sources of funding for malaria control,
and recent evidence that prevention and treatment can alleviate the burden
of disease. …"

  *Summary & Key points*
English [pdf 144kb]<>|
[pdf 121kb] <>
| Spanish
[pdf 103kb] <>
| Chinese
[pdf 515kb] <>
| Russian
[pdf 150kb] <> | Arabic
[pdf 100kb] <>
| Portuguese
[pdf 50kb] <>

*::**  Table of contents [pdf

::  Chapter 1: Introduction [pdf

::  Chapter 2: Policies, strategies and targets for malaria control [pdf
110kb] <>

::  Chapter 3: Estimated burden of malaria in 2006 [pdf

::  Chapter 4: Interventions to control malaria [pdf

::  Chapter 5: Impact of malaria control [pdf

*::**  COUNTRY PROFILES*: 30 high-burden countries

*  ::  Profiles*: Methods and definitions [pdf

::  Angola<>
::  Bangladesh<>
::  Burkina Faso<>
::  Brazil<>
::  Cambodia<>
::  Cameroon<>
::  Chad<>
::  Côte d'Ivoire<>
::  Colombia<>
::  Democratic Republic of the
::  Ethiopia<>
::  Ghana<>
::  India<>
::  Kenya<>
::  Madagascar<>
::  Malawi<>
::  Mali<>
::  Mozambique<>
::  Myanmar<>
::  Niger<>
::  Nigeria<>
::  Pakistan<>
::  Papua New Guinea<>
::  Senegal<>
::  Sudan<>
::  Tajikistan<>
::  Turkey<>
::  Uganda<>
::  United Republic of
::  Zambia<>

*::**  Annex 1: Estimating the numbers of malaria cases and deaths by
country in 2006
*[pdf 228kb] <>

*::**  Annex 2: Estimated and reported cases and deaths, 2006*
[pdf 110kb] <>  [Excel
57kb] <>

*::**  Annex 3: A. Reported malaria cases, 1990–2007*
[pdf 120kb] <>  [Excel
44kb] <>
    Annex 3: B. Reported malaria deaths, 1990–2007
[pdf 120kb] <>  [Excel
48kb] <>

*::**  Annex 4: A. Recommended policies and strategies for malaria control,
[pdf 130kb] <>  [Excel
63kb] <>
    Annex 4: B. Antimalarial drug policy, 2008
[pdf 130kb] <>  [Excel

*::**  Annex 5: Operational coverage of insecticide-treated nets, indoor
residual spraying and antimalarial treatment, 2004–2007
*[pdf 152kb] <>  [Excel
271] <>

*::**  Annex 6: A. Household surveys of mosquito net ownership and usage,
*[pdf 140kb] <>  [Excel
284kb] <>
*    Annex 6: B. Household surveys of antimalarial treatment, 2001–2007
*[pdf 140kb] <>  [Excel
44kb] <>

*::**  Annex 7: Funding for malaria control, 2004–2007
*[pdf 120kb] <>  [Excel
124kb] <>
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