PHA-Exch> International Society for Equity in Health: International Conference June 9 11 2009 Crete, Greece

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Jan 22 01:54:39 PST 2009

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>
crossposted from: EQUIDAD at

 *International Society for Equity in Health (ISEqH)*

*5th International Conference theme: Social and Societal Influences on
Equity in Health*

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*June 9, 11 2009  Crete, Greece*

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*5th International Conference in partnership with Greek School of Public
Health and Canadian Society for International Health *

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CALL FOR ABSTRACTS  *Deadline for Submission:      February 28, 2009*

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"…..The 5th International Conference of the International Society for Equity
in Health will be hosted by the Greek School of Public Health in Crete. The
meeting will bring together, researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and
others concerned with equity in health to develop and international health
agenda for governments, universities and organizations all over the world.

The Conference will explore the theme: *Social and Societal Influences on
Equity in Health*  through a varied program of plenary sessions, forums,
poster sessions and scientific sessions. We invite your participation in the
advancement of knowledge, exchange of experiences and promotion of equity in

The 5th International Conference of the International Society for Equity in
Health will especially encourage contributions that focus on major health
concerns and that present work in the following areas:

-           Pathways through which influence on equity in health operate

-           Application of innovative methods for studying and monitoring
equity in health

-           Analysis to support the design and evaluation of policies,
services and interventions that enhance equity in health

-           Understanding processes for policy change to improve equity in

-           Using evidence towards enhanced public accountability in and
social action for health equity

There is a special interest in abstracts that reflect a multidisciplinary
conceptualization of health equity; that analyze or compare rather than just
describe; are not limited to one measure of health, one age group, or one
population subgroup; address issues of generalizability of findings beyond
the particular population studied; include and compare different age groups
and both genders; address access/utilization/appropriateness of health
services for meetings different levels of needs within and across
populations. There is also interest in abstracts that give evidence of
linkage with policy or other constituencies that influence equity outcomes,
and in work that provides evidence of analyses determinants of impact on
equity outcomes.

*Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2009*

To receive general information about the conference or send a funding
request, please write to: information at

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*Deadline for Submission:        February 28, 2009*

Support may be available for presenters from Latin America, Asia, Africa or
from Eastern and Central Europe or the former Soviet Union, if the ISEqH
receives the requested funds from international organizations. Applicants
should consult the ISEqH web site for information and applications

Approved funds are to be used for travel expenses and registration only, and
in selected instance, for membership fees. Decisions regarding the
allocation of funds will be made by *April 20, 2009* and applicants will be
advised shortly thereafter.
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