PHA-Exch> The Good Indicators Guide: Understanding how to use and choose indicators

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Dec 4 23:29:38 PST 2008

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>
crossposted from: EQUIDAD at

 *The Good Indicators Guide: Understanding how to use and choose indicators*

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*UK NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2008*

APHO, Association of Public Health Observatories*

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Available online as PDF file [40p.] at:* *

"…..This guide is intended to be a short, practical resource for anyone in
any health system who is responsible for using indicators to monitor and
improve performance, systems or outcomes.


1. Introduction

2. Indicators: some useful background

3. The anatomy of an indicator

4. Understanding variation

5. Changing hearts and minds

6. Frequently asked questions

7. Criteria for good indicators and good indicator sets

8. Ten myths about indicators

9. Glossary

10. Further reading

Appendix A: Full anatomy of an indicator

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* **Target Setting in a Multi-Agency Environment*

APHO Technical Briefing 4 -  Association of Public Health Observatories,

* ** *APHO Technical Briefings looks at key issues to consider when setting
targets in a multi-agency environment, including the choice of appropriate
methodologies, indicators and statistics, and consideration of the wider
political and ethical context.**

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