PHA-Exch> Masters programmes, global health policy

James Lancaster at
Thu Nov 20 05:42:13 PST 2008

MSc programmes in the Centre for International Public Health Policy, 
starting September 2009

MSc, global health and public policy
MSc, health systems and public policy
MSc, health inequalities and public policy
MSc, infectious disease and global health
MSc, global health and anthropology

The MSc programmes offered by the Centre for International Public 
Health Policy offer a unique focus on public health policy in the 
context of widening health inequalities.

The programmes provide students with an understanding of the 
significance for public health policy of global developments such as 
the global financial crisis, declining foreign aid expenditures, and 
the free trade and economic growth policies promoted by governments 
and international organisations.

They equip them with the skills and knowledge to conduct public 
health research and advocacy in this changing context. Great 
importance is placed on research methods and analytic techniques for 
practical application or for further research.

The programmes are designed to be accessible to students from diverse 
backgrounds including public health practitioners, policy makers, 
researchers, and NGO staff, and graduates in social science, science, 
medicine, nursing, and other related disciplines.

They provide for specialisation in policy areas relevant to both UK 
and international interests.

The programmes take one year full-time, or up to five years through 
part-time study.


Dr James Lancaster
44 (0)131 651 3963
< at>james< at>.lancaster at< at>uk

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