PHA-Exch> 'Global dialogues' on global crisis situations - (2)

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Sat Apr 5 03:22:35 PDT 2008

From: Erika Arteaga erikarteagacruzm at

Amazing how we tend to "solve" all problems with 'dialogues' and 'codes'.
Some might say: it is a initial step and we are working towards it. BUt
really, what are CODES for?  What are Resolutions for?
As I write these lines I´m thinking about the International Code for
Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. Ecuador signed it in 1981 and so far,
nothing has been done: not a single law, not a more socially responsible
food industry, not ethical or better informed pediatricians, not even more
empowered women giving breastmilk instead of formula. In fact nowadays in
Ecuador,  Nestlé is launching a campaign for "healthy eating" / weight
control. Pediatricians are prescribing (not that we need a
prescription) more and more formula and women find themselves with no
breastmilk to offer to their babies.
We have not targeted any structural cause (rigid work schedules that left
women without the chance to breastfeed, unethical/covered advertising of
formula and baby food, money invested by food companies in the health
sector, etc) and we are still hopeful that more codes will solve the health
sector crisis.
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