PHA-Exch> UN says road deaths kill as many as Aids

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Mon Mar 24 16:21:59 PDT 2008

crossposted from: "[health-vn discussion group]" health-vn at,

UN says road deaths kill as many as Aids
Juliette Jowit

The Observer, Sunday March 23 2008 Article history

The United Nations is to hold its first debate on road safety amid warnings
the problem is a 'public health crisis' on the scale of Aids, malaria and

Next week's meeting will follow research by the World Heath Organisation
forecast that between 2000 and 2015 road accidents would cause 20 million
deaths, 200 million serious injuries and leave more than one billion people
killed, injured, bereaved or left to care for a victim.

The UN debate was arranged after lobbying by the Commission for Global Road
Safety, a powerful road safety campaign group set up by influential figures,
including the former Nato secretary-general Lord Robertson, representatives
the World Health Organisation and the World Bank, and the former Formula One
world champion Michael Schumacher.

Robertson, who will address delegates in New York, will also warn the UN
its own policies, including the Millennium Development Goals, are adding to
crisis by investing in roads but not insisting on safety measures. Film star
Michelle Yeoh, who made her name in action movies and as a Bond girl, will
delegates a film on the problem in Vietnam, in her role as an ambassador for
commission's Make Roads Safe campaign.

The group wants the UN to agree to big increases in funding for the problem
and Robertson says they have powerful support from Britain, the US and
'Every one of those statistics is a single human being,' Robertson told The
Observer. 'You're talking about the number one killer of young people
the level of death is on a scale with malaria and TB, which get huge
and enormous funds. It's a neglected worldwide health crisis of huge

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says every year 1.2 million people die
road accidents - making it, according to WHO's 2002 calculations, the
biggest killer in the world, ahead of diabetes and malaria. The WHO
that by 2020 road deaths would become the number three killer, behind heart
disease and suicide, although Aids is now a much bigger threat than when
forecast was made.

Yet international funding for Aids, malaria and TB was $4.7bn over the last
seven years, compared with about $100m for road safety, the commission said.

Robertson said road safety was still seen as a 'Cinderella subject'. He
wants UN
delegates to agree that 10 per cent of funding for road building in
countries be ringfenced to improve road safety measures.
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