PHA-Exch> Sachs on PHC for all (2)

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Jan 17 18:08:29 PST 2008

   From:    marjorie.mbilinyi at
 A useful statement by J Sachs, which converges with the basic positions we
have been taking in Health Equity Group and Feminist Activist Coalition

There are also significant interaction effects when all these strategies are
combined. For example, in Tanzania TGNP and FemAct have also been
highlighting the fact that malaria and water-borne parasite diseases reduce
immunity to HIV infection, along with malnutrition, anemia and STDs. The
right to food security for all ought to be added to the list -- essential
for health and well-being, and specifically to prevent and survive HIV

Marjorie Mbilinyi
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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