PHA-Exch> URGENT ALERT - climate-wrecking at Bali

Claudio Schuftan schuftan at
Wed Dec 12 16:18:20 PST 2007

The US, Canada and Japan are climate-wrecking at Bali - here's our global
emergency petition to save the talks, add your name automatically by
clicking below!

" <http:///??>* We call urgently for the US, Canada and Japan to stop
blocking serious 2020 targets for emissions reductions, and for the rest of
the world to refuse to accept anything less."* <http:///??>
[image: Click Here to Sign Now]

*We're here at the climate summit in Bali -- but it's reached crisis
point.*Working late, negotiators were nearing consensus that
* developed countries should pledge post-Kyoto emissions cuts by 2020*--a
step which the scientists say is needed to avert the worst ravages of global
warming, and which will help to bring China and the developing world
onboard. But then the news broke: *the US, Canada and Japan rejected any
mention of such cuts.* Every few hours the draft changes.

We can't let three governments hold the world to ransom: so *we're launching
a global emergency petition before the summit climax in 48 hours. *We'll
deliver our message every way we can -- a stark *full-page advertisement in
the Financial Times* Asia, stunts at the conference gates, direct to country
delegations -- telling Canada, Japan and the US to accept the option of
post-Kyoto targets, and the rest of the world to settle for nothing less.

Please take a moment right now to *sign the new global emergency
petition*-- the text is in the box above, so click this link to sign
automatically if
you've taken action with us before -- then *tell all your friends*:

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the expiring Kyoto pact, but Japan, the
US and Canada don't seem to want a workable global deal to follow it.* There
is almost universal agreement in Bali *that the idea of 2020 climate targets
should be included, making possible a deal to bring the developing world
onboard over time. As the news links below make clear, the US, Japan and
Canada are destroying that delicate bargain, not even allowing the idea to
be mentioned.

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