PHA-Exch> 7th Anniversary of the PHA

mohammad ali barzgar m_barzgar at
Mon Dec 3 23:36:30 PST 2007

Fýrst of all I should congratulate the 7th Annýversary of the PHA to PHM 
Global Coordýnators,PHM Steerýng group Council,Global Secretarýate ,all 
PHM,s frýends all over the world and the people of the world especýally the 
poorest of the poor.

The day ýs a great Day for me.I was attended in a Poverty allevýatýon 
conference ýn Bangalore Indýa where Ý have met quýte good number of frýends 
who were ýnvolved in prepratýon of PHA and at the end of the Bangalore 
meetýng about 48 partýcýpants of the meetýng ýncludýng myself sýgned a 
letter that there ýs a need for havýng a People Health Organýzatýon,because 
WHO belongs to the Mýnýsters of Health of the world eventhough called World 
Health Organýzation and the ýnvýtee of his assembly are the Mýnýster of 
Health and MOH,staff of the world.Therefore we should have an assembly where 
the ordinary people along with the people orýented Experts sýt together and 
decýde and plan for theire own health.In PHA2000 the dream became a reality 
and the respected ordinary people from Baqngladesh,different States of 
Ýndýa,and Nepal have seated wýth theýre own Publýc Health Experts and 
created the Nobel Manýfesto of  PHM,i.e..the People,s Health Charter.It was 
the day of Health By the people, wýth the people and for the people.The 
glomerýous memory of Alma Ata was revýved,and The presence of Halfdan Mahler 
with hýs revolationary speech made PHA a hýstorical day for achýevýng Health 
For All through Revitalisation of Primary Health Care.Of course Ý should 
mentýon here that beýng ýn GK a Unýversýty whých was constructed by the 
people and a lots of people oriented Ýnnovatýons created by GK wýth able 
leadershýp of Zafrullah  and Qasem was a practýcal teachýng for all of the 
partýcýpants of PHA that how PHM supposed to be a People,s Health Move ment.

For me as a Natýonal and Internatýonal Publýc Health Worker who have 
realýzed that the exýstýng health Ýnstýtutions were not commýted to HFA/PHC 
and do not care for those that theire voice were not heared, PHA created a 
hope,which like a new engýne drýved me to initiate PHM/Ýran in age of 
Sixty.Ý am pleased to say that PHM Ýran accordýng to Nobel PHM,s Charter is 
doing good job on people Empoverment through poverty allevýatýon,job 
creatýon,women empoverment and sustaýnable development through meetýng the 
Basýc Mýnýmum Needs of the people.Also fighting AÝDS, Disaster and Drug 
Addictýon.But could not do that much till yet to stop Sanction,Treats and 
possible invasýon.Ý am sure people power will stop it in a long run.Cheers 
to All PHM,s Frýends.Dr.M.A.Barzegar on behalf of PHM Ýran.

>From: "PHM Global Secretariat" <secretariat at>
>To: "PHA-Exchange" <pha-exchange at>
>Subject: PHA-Exch> 7th Anniversary of the PHA
>Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 21:56:30 +0200
>Today is the 7th Anniversary of the People's Health Assembly, 4 December 
>2000, Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK), Bangladesh.
>Share your memories and tell us why you have joined the Assembly.

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