PHA-Exchange> Pharmaceutical Company Roche Recalls Important ARV

Tawnia Queen phm at
Thu Aug 2 09:43:51 PDT 2007

Adherence to the bottom line, adherence to drug regimens

With AIDS medicines still so out of reach for so 
many who need them, it's worrying­although 
predictable--to note the lack of responsibility 
taken by the pharmaceutical company Roche for the 
tens of thousands of people depending on their 
anti-retroviral drug, nelfinavir (Viracept). In 
June, Roche quietly recalled this common ART drug 
because of contamination, leaving many HIV 
positive people with the choice of giving up 
their life-saving medicines or taking potentially 
poisonous pills. (See the NY Times report at: )

After being pressed for more information by 
activists, Roche finally admitted that 
contamination with a cancer-causing byproduct has 
been common since the drug was first produced in 
1998, and that the contaminated drug has been 
all over the world.
Read entire article on Hesperian’s weblog:

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Tawnia Queen
International Publications Associate
People's Health Movement Advocate (North American Regional Circle)
Hesperian Foundation
1919 Addison St. #304
Berkeley, CA. 94704
(510)845-1447 ext. 203
phm at  
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