PHA-Exchange> World Bank Presidency

David Woodward David.Woodward at
Thu May 24 02:18:01 PDT 2007

>From <> :


"This morning's reports have the Wall Street Journal
wsj> saying that Bill Frist, the former Senator from Tennessee, Senate
Majority Leader, and healthcare tycoon, is "getting especially close
scrutiny for the job" of World Bank president."


The complete WBP article is at; and the WSJ
article is at


One can only guess what Frist might do to the Bank's health reform
agenda - and a lot of the other candidates being mooted would be equally
disastrous, across a wider range of issues (eg John Bolton, or former US
Trade Representative Zoellick, who was the leading arm-twister of
developing countries in WTO negotiations).


Who is selected is critically important to health in the developing
world - and that makes the selection process equally important. Despite
opposition from some Board members, and major civil society efforts, it
looks likely that it will still b a stitch-up by the Bush
administration. Please do everything you can to exert pressure on your
governments and Executive Directors to the Bank (and the IMF) to ensure
an open, transparent and merit based selection process, such as the one
endorsed by the Executive Board in 2001, but strenuously ignored when
Wolfowitz was appointed. You can find this at



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