PHA-Exchange> GEN: Canadia Coference on Intll Hlth

Claudio claudio at
Wed Mar 7 22:26:43 PST 2007

November 4th to 7th, 2007 Ottawa, Canada 

November 4-7th, 2007 Marriott Hotel, Ottawa, Canada 

The Canadian Society for International Health and the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research are pleased to announce the 14th Canadian Conference on International Health (CCIH), to be held from November 4-7, 2007 in Ottawa, Canada. This year's conference theme is, Global Change and Health: Who are the Vulnerable? 

There is increasing recognition that the impact of human activity is reshaping our world: 

    a.. ?? Ecological systems that support life and have evolved over millennia are being dramatically affected by increases in greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, extreme weather events, and the loss of ecological biodiversity with potentially dramatic implications for global health. 

Changes in land use, deforestation, use and transnational dumping of toxic substances and antimicrobials are introducing new health risks. 

?? Social systems that support equitable distribution are being undermined by the globalized economy. Government's role in providing essential health and education services and infrastructure is being diminished while growing populations face increasing poverty. 

Poverty has grown, and the disparity between the poor and the few with unprecedented wealth leaves an increasingly marginalized middle class and accelerates transnational and national inequalities with implications for social determinants of health and emerging epidemics. 

?? Global Governance must address these challenges with policies and programs even as global health funding is increasingly derived from private philanthropy that is essentially outside of publicly accountable governance structures. 

This conference will focus on threats to health from these changes, factors increasing vulnerability, and ways of responding to challenges, and their results. 

The call for abstracts is available at or email conference at . The deadline is May 30th, 2007. 

Organized by the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) and the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) 

14TH Canadian Conference on International Health 

obal Change and Health: Who are the Vulnerable? 
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