PHA-Exchange> Stop the execution of three Iraqi women !

Claudio claudio at
Thu Mar 1 00:56:07 PST 2007

HTML MessageFrom: Michel Collon 

We believe it is vitally important to protest and take action, to compel the Iraqi authorities to revoke this sentence (see below). Do appeal to relevant institutions and ask them to intervene to stop this. Send your protest letters to Iraq's Justice minister: Hashim al Shilbi: head-minister at <head-minister at> .

The Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court sentenced the death by hanging of three women, on charges of complicity in the murder of Iraqi police loyal to the occupation in Baghdad and participation in what the Court considered Terrorism. 

News from a source in the Iraqi Lawyers Union :

The three women are: 

- Wassan Talib (31 years old). The charge is killing five police officers through the participation with gunmen in an attack on police.

- Zainab Fadhil (25 years). The charge is attacking a joint patrol of the Iraqi army and the the American army last September with her husband and Her cousin in Baghdad. 

- Liqa Omar Muhammad (26 years old). The charge is the participation with her husband and her brother in the killing of an official from the Green Zone. 

Walid Hayali, lawyer and member of The Iraqi Lawyers Union, said the Court issued a ruling against the three women under item 156, without allowing them to engage counsel from a lawyer. 

The lawyer asks the whole world to move to stop the execution of the three women and to Condemn the Court's ruling. 

He points out that Liqa Omar Muhammad gave birth to her daughter in prison a few months ago and is still nursing the child, and 

Wassan Talib has a three-year-old daughter. He explained that the three women are now in "Kazimiah prison" in the Kazimiyah region. 

The execution is scheduled for 3 Mars and the trial was not revised in appeal as there was no lawyer to ask for this.

Justice minister: Hashim al Shilbi: head-minister at <head-minister at> 

Talabani's office: <> 
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