PHA-Exchange> People's conferfence for the environment Ecuador

claudio at claudio at
Thu Dec 28 15:55:35 PST 2006

People's Conference for the Environment Resist the Encroachment of 
Transnational Mining Companies!  
January 24, Sígsig
January 25-26, Cuenca
January 27, Gualaquiza

“In search of those who rape the earth,
who poison the water,
and who steal the forest;
and also in search of those
who worship the religion of consumption
and who participate in chemical warfare against the air
and climate of the this world."
	Los valores sin precio Eduardo Galeano

To all those who fight in defense of our environment, those opposed to the 
devastation and destruction of our earth, those who abhor the continual 
extermination of plant species at the hands of an evil social model that is 
based on exclusion, exploitation and elimination.
All who do not want to remain in silence are invited: rural people, indigenous 
communities; youth and seniors; men and women; educators, scientists and 
researchers in the field of community health; activists and ecologists; 
artists, community leaders and all those interested in saving our bio-
diversity and defending our place in the present and future world.
We call upon all the people of the region and of the country to mobilize 
against the threat of greater degradation of the environment and to unite in 
support of every individual’s right to health, clean water and food free of 
Let us join together to ensure that the right to health means: a safe 
environment, free of toxins and chemicals where the well-being of those who 
live on this earth always takes precedence over corporate profits.
In Solidarity,
Arturo Quizhpe P., People’s Health Movement-Latin America
Hernán Hermida C., Facultad de Ciencias Médicas - Universidad de Cuenca
Lina Solano, Coordinadora Campesina Popular
Gloria Chicaiza, Acción Ecológica
Ricardo Ramírez, Frente Nacional por la Salud de los Pueblos del Ecuador
Miguel Morocho, Comité de Defensa de la Vida y en Contra de la Minería - Sígsig

Address: Tomás Ordóñez 918 y Bolívar, Edificio Vicuña, Oficina 307
Phone/fax: + 593.7.2841865 / 2847448
Email: encuentrodelospueblos at

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