PHA-Exchange> A manual on how to organise audits on Third World debts

claudio at claudio at
Fri Dec 22 14:25:04 PST 2006

 from CETIM <cetim at> -----

	*Let's launch an enquiry into the debt! A manual on how to organise 
audits on Third World debts*
/ Joint publication /

Coedition CETIM and CADTM, 96 pages.

ISBN 2-88053-051-2


Prix: 8 CHF | 5 EUR

If, for the creditors, the Third World debt can seem like a real gold 
mine, for the people living in the Third World, it feels more like a 
straight jacket. However the debt is a story... stories, very 
complicated, that can be entangled, unclear, and often very questionable...

What has happened to the money of this loan? Under what conditions was 
this loan contracted? What share has been misappropriated? What crimes 
have been committed with this money? Etc. A debt audit allows us to 
answer theses questions and others. We can begin to clarify the past, to 
untangle the web of debt, thread by thread. It allows us to reconstruct 
the sequence of events which have led to the present deadlock. And it 
enables us to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

*This little guide is intended to serve as a support tool for such 
efforts and as a tool of popular education indented for social 
movements, citizen reds,
Members of Parliament, jurists, economists and other rebels.*

This manual is the result of a joint initiative of CETIM and CADTM, with 
the support of the American Association of Jurists (AAJ) and the South 
Centre. It was written on the basis of two seminars that brought 
together Third World debt experts and activists. EURODAD, Emmaus 
International, Jubilee South, COTMEC, Attac Uruguay and Auditoria Cidadã 
da Dívida (Brazil) joined this initiative. The organisations mentioned 
above hope that the debt audits can begin as soon as possible in various 
countries so that the truth about the debt can fi nally be brought to light!

Thanks to order copies before CETIM

6, rue Amat
1202 Genève

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