PHA-Exchange> Concentration of income in fewer hands

Claudio claudio at
Tue Sep 5 22:42:19 PDT 2006

  From World War to Class War: The Rebound of the Rich
  Robert G. Evans
  Bob Evans is one of the developers of the "population health" concept and a
  leading health economist in Canada. 

  Incomes in Canada, as in many other countries, are becoming increasingly
  unequal. In North America this process has several notable features. First,
  after 40 years of stability, income has since 1980 been increasingly
  concentrated in the hands of the top 0.01% of earners. Second, this
  concentration correlates with an explosion in the relative earnings of
  corporate CEOs, a sort of "corporate kleptocracy." Third, the top earners
  have appropriated most of the productivity gains over this period. The
  resources and political influence of the super-rich underlie the growing
  prominence of the "elite" agenda: lower taxes, smaller government and
  privatization or shrinkage of social programs. The marketing of this agenda
  may explain much of the nonsense that contaminates health policy debates.

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