PHA-Exchange> Food for a not fairly treated thought (2) ERRATA

Claudio claudio at
Fri Dec 30 01:33:47 PST 2005

 George Kent reminded me that if all trade barriers were lifted it would be of much greater advantage to rich countries than to poor countries. (PARAGRAPH 3) NOTE THAT I SAY BARRIERS TO POOR COUNTRIES WHICH MAY BE CONFUSING, I WANTED TO SAY  " IF ALL TRADE BARRIERS FOR THE  POOR COUNTRIES WERE ELIMINATED....."
[The International Pact of 1966 SHOULD HAVE READ THE WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE OF 1974].

FOR THE SAME REASON ABOVE, IN PARA 4, I CHANGED THE FIRST SENTENCE TO READ "Eradicating protectionist barriers to the exports of poor countries may be one of the best ways to put food on the tables of poor people". 

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