PHA-Exchange> Global Forum Releases New Report on Forum 8

claudio at claudio at
Thu Jun 2 17:10:42 PDT 2005

Global Forum Releases New Report on Forum 8
Health Research for the Millennium Development Goals
Global Forum Releases New Report on Forum 8, Mexico, November 
 The report clearly demon-
strates that a great deal is known about the kinds of research 
that are urgently required to accelerate and intensify the ef-
forts necessary to achieve the Millennium Development Goals 
(MDGs).  The report and CD-ROM 
can be ordered or downloaded from the organization's website:
At the close of the meeting, the Global Forum released a major 
statement, which will also serve as a contribution to the review 
of progress towards the MDGs in September 2005. The statement is 
posted on their website: 

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