PHA-Exchange> MEDIA AND PHA-2: (1) What you NEED TO KNOW & (2) what YOU CAN DO?

Claudio claudio at
Fri May 13 08:06:23 PDT 2005


MEDIA & PHA-2: What you NEED TO KNOW and what YOU CAN DO?


For details, please contact : unnikru at (+91 98450 91319) or satyasagar at 


The stage is set for PHA-2 that is taking place in Ecuador (July 18-23: ). International Organising Committee of PHA-2 (especially its Communication Commission that includes a vibrant group of people in Ecuador, PHM media and communication team and Global Health Watch Report team) is stepping up the media work from 15th of May till July end. 


The first section of this message invites you to the media team and lists out a few activities to ensure media participation, mobilization and coverage.


The second section explains media related activities at various stages in Ecuador and outside Ecuador.  


We believe that YOUR active involvement and support can "take the message of PHA- 2 to the rest of the world" who will not be in Ecuador. Apart from getting the key message through the main-stream media, we are keen to engage the alternate media to amplify PHA-2's messages. Many challenges (varying from multiple languages to geographical distances and limited resources) will limit the number of people going to Ecuador. This is all the more reason why we need to put extra efforts to take the messages of PHA-2 to people through the media. 




1)      Please include one journalist in your country delegation. We encourage you to support their travel as we have very limited resources. However, if the journalist is still looking for partial assistance, please let us know ASAP. (Please send us their name, e-mail and phone numbers by May last week)

2)      Please identify ten journalists in your country + their names, e-mail, phone+ fax numbers and name of the newspaper/ magazine. Please send us these details by June 4th so that we can start corresponding with them (through you) so that there is coverage during the Assembly. 

3)      IMPORTANT: Please identify one / two people in your country who could be the media links for PHA 2 (This must be people who will be in their country and available on e-mail and phone during PHA 2). Please send us their names and co-ords by 25th May.  


The key responsibility for such 'country media contacts' include dissemination of press releases (that is being issued in Ecuador) to the media in their respective countries. We will explain more when we have you as team members. It is going to be exciting. Please SIGN UP and support the media team to reach out to the 'un-reached'. 




Stage -1: From May 15th till July first week. 'Curtain raiser' events and opportunities as a build-up for PHA 2 (happening outside Ecuador).


Stage -2: (a) Activities at the PHA-2 venue in Ecuador (July 10-24 ). (Assembly is from July 18 -23).

                (b) Activities in places outside Ecuador during the assembly


Stage -3: Just after the assembly (July 25-31)


We suggest the following activities at various stages. More ideas are welcome.


 Stage 1: (Till July first week)

1)      Hold a press conference a week before your departure from your country to  Ecuador. Two or more people may attend this press meet. (One press conference is minimum, any more is welcome). Explain why you are going, what is happening in Ecuador, who is going, and why PHA -2)

2)      Issue at least one press release and circulate it widely, not just within the media. Try to issue it in the last week of June. (We will send you a draft by 3rd week of June.)

3)      If one (or two delegates) from each country delegation can talk to a newspaper/ magazine offering articles on a daily basis from Ecuador, they may be interested to commission you to write it. This will give us good coverage and usually media is interested in this. Offer articles, photos and interviews with dignitaries.

4)      Local events: Use any available opportunity to publicise PHA 2. If there is none, create an event. Keep us informed and we can support you to publicise it.

5)      International events: We will be using the following events to publicise PHA 2.

a.       World Health Assembly (May 2nd half )

b.       International Day of Action for Women's Health (May 28)

c.       G-8 Summit (June 6, 7 and 8)  


Stage 2: (July 10- 24) 


(A)  In Ecuador : (Internet, Phone and Fax facilities will be available for journalists round the clock)


6)      We will be issuing daily press releases continuously for nine days (just before + during + after the Assembly). This will be available in Spanish, English, French, Arabic and may be other languages. This will be available at 12: 00 noon local time in Ecuador (16:00 hrs GMT)

7)      Apart from this, there will be daily press conferences. 

8)      The media team will be releasing select papers, synopses, sound bites and interviews on a daily basis

9)      The team will also bring out a "Daily Alert" on all days of PHA 2.


All these materials will be uploaded to the dedicated section on PHA 2 (PHM and IPHC websites).


(B) Outside Ecuador: A team of media enthusiasts in various countries are expected to mobilize coverage in different countries during the assembly.


Stage 3: The week after the Assembly


10)   Please hold another press conference and issue a press release within a week after you return from Ecuador. 


There are a few more activities being planned (like a workshop on "Using media for campaigns and advocacy') that we will be informing you in the coming days.


We look forward to your support, solidarity and active involvement 


On behalf of the PHA -2 International Organising Committee (& IOC-PHA 2's Communication Commission and PHM media team)


Unni and Satya


For details, contact : 


Unnikrishnan PV (unnikru at / +91 98450 91319) or 


Satya Sivaraman ( satyasagar at )

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