PHA-Exchange> Clarification (2)

claudio at claudio at
Sat Apr 9 05:15:13 PDT 2005

Completely agree of course with what Wim is saying, but among the
overall "development" aims is poverty eradication. There is simply no
need for poverty on earth (except to maintain the rich in the standards
they have become accustomed to). They are not mutually exclusive
concepts. Eradication of poverty is perfectly feasible and we must keep
saying so.  

And I don't have to add that definitions of development are equally
tricky. In the context of Hlth for All, if everyone's basic needs for health
were met - including fair social and economic arrangements - we would be
there. And that has very little to do with "development" as
conventionally defined. It has to do with redistribution of resources.
Personally I would like to drop the term development altogether and
refer more precisely to "Progress toward social and economic justice".
But PTSAEJ is not a good acronym...! Best AK  

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